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Monday, 17 May 2010

Nintendo Wii – Complete Softmod guide – Play USB games on your Wii.

OK so i decided to write my own Softmod guide since i could not find one that explained everything to get it all working from loading the twilight princess hack to loading up your games and playing them on the Wii.
I have used some information from existing (incomplete) guides since i am a huge fan of not re-inventing the wheel. Though I am more than happy to give credit where credit is due, so see the bottom of the page for the original guides!
**NOTE** This guide below is pretty much how i did my Wii, i recommend you read some other guides and look up some details from other people (maybe for some reason your Wii cant be soft mod’d)  before doing your own since you could turn it into a large paperweight (apparently – mine works (“,) )

Stuff you need before you begin.

  1. Nintendo Wii (of course)
  2. Nintendo Wii with Wii controller and Nunchuck
  3. Portable USB disk / key to store your Wii iso’s on (4GB or bigger, the bigger it is the more games you can store)
  4. SD Memory Card and Card Reader ( 32Mb to 2GB will work except the newer HC SD Cards)
  5. Original copy of ‘The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess’
  6. Internet connection using a Wi-Fi Router, don’t even try this unless you have it configured and working correctly as some files need to be downloaded during the install process!
  7. Windows PC to load your games (with the SD reader)
  8. Winrar for your PC (most games / files are packaged in rar format)
  9. The following software:
    REQUIRED: Twlight Princess save game hackHomebrew channelWBFS ManagerNeoGammaConfigurable USB loadercIOSX installer or get the all-in-one from here (maybe out of date)
    OPTIONAL:  WiiMC (Wii Media Center)

Checking your firmware revision and Twilight Princess game version

To check the firmware loaded on your Wii, go into Wii Options and clicking on the Wii Settings. The firmware version is shown at the top of the screen. You will need to know this to determine which version of the Twilight Princess hack is needed for your Wii. Pick the Twilight Princess hack version that corresponds to your firmware version.
Check the version of your Twilight Princess game by checking the code on the disc as per the below picture.

Preparing SD card

Use a card reader to format the SD card to FAT 16/32. Load on the twilight princess archive with the home brew channel in the root of the SD card (the all in one zip should show you the tree structure  - apps go in the apps directory)

Loading Home-brew Channel

You will need to load the correct game save for your version of the game this can be determined by checking the text string which is on the inner circle of the data surface with the ones below. Write down this information and the related ‘TwilightHack’ you need to use.
  • RVL-RZDE-0A-0 USA >> TwilightHack0
  • RVL-RZDE-0A-2 USA >> TwilightHack2
  • RVL-RZDP-0A-0 JPN >> TwilightHack
  • RVL-RZDJ-0A-0 JPN >> TwilightHack
  • RVL-RZDE-0A-0 JPN >> TwilightHack0
Don’t worry if you load a saved game and it doesn’t work you’re probably loading the wrong one (i did the first time)
I assume you have played the game ‘The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess’ at least once correct? You need to play at least once to create a save or you can’t copy the save from the SD card, also note while creating your first save you’ll need to NOT change the default character names or the save may not work.
  • Put your SD card in your Wii and turn it on.
  • Go into Wii Options –> Data Management –> Save Data –> Wii.
  • Find your Zelda save, click on it, click “Erase”, and click Yes.
  • Open the SD card and select the “Twilight Hack” save that corresponds to your game region. Note: Some people are having problems with the Wii not “seeing” the save file on the SD card. If you are experiencing this, try setting the archive bit for the ‘data.bin’ file – in Windows this can be be done from the file’s properties dialog (right click on it in Windows Explorer and check the box).
  • Click copy and then yes. Now exit out of the menu.
  • If you are using Firmware 3.4, you must immediately put the Twilight Hack to use. Turning off or running some other channel or game will have the System Menu delete the savegame again, and you’ll have to start over.
  • Insert The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess game disc and run the game.
    If you have the USA version of the game, load the “TwilightHack0″ or “TwilightHack2″ version of the game as appropriate (remember you wrote it down). Otherwise, load the only “Twilight Hack” save game.
  • Once in the game, either walk backwards or talk to the man standing in front of you. this will initiate the install of the homebrew channel (which is the boot.dol in the root of your SD card)
    Congrats, you should now have Homebrew Channel installed!
See this dude’s you-tube video for a walk through of the above (slightly different with the loader)

Install custom CIOS

CIOS stands for Custom IOS, i’m not 100% sure exactly what it is but i think of it like a BIOS / Operating system which allows you to run custom applications. I know you need a specific version for some applications to work.
Within your homebrew channel you should have the cIOSX application ready to run.
Launch the cIOSX application, follow the prompts and MAKE SURE you choose network installation (it should go off to the internet and fetch the latest version)
You will know if it worked correctly if the following USB loaders work. See this video for using cIOSX and Neogamma

Preparing your USB disk / key with games

Use the wbfsmanager to load existing ISO’s onto your USB disk / Key. Note this application will erase your USB disk / key and all of your existing data! you can find how to use this application here.

Playing your games on the Wii

Once you have loaded your games onto your USB disk / Key you can use the NeoGamma / Configurable USB Loader applications to load your games from your USB device.
See this video for using cIOSX / Neogamma and this video for configurable USB loader.
If this guide helps you or you have some changes to recommend please let me know.
Enjoy! (“,)


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