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Tuesday, 4 March 2025

Running Linux on Microsoft Surface 2 RT

The Microsoft Surface 2 is an ARM32 based tablet which is largely defunct for many reasons which you can read all about online. The aim was to run Linux on this device to enable better application support and a modern web browser.


The following openrt link was super helpful in understanding how feasible it is running Linux on the Microsoft Surface 2 instead of Windows RT 8.1 and how to go about jail breaking the secure boot. All was going well until when trying to boot linux from a USB drive where the EFI boot prompt would just hang for several minutes and not load, then continue and error out.

Initially I thought I had a Surface 1 tablet and wasnt aware it was a Surface 2 until i tried to access the UART serial port to do further debugging. The give away was when trying to disassemble that there are no screws as shown below (Surface 1) under the kickstand. Also I was probably using the wrong device tree file (dtb) which wouldn't help.

Knowing I had a Surface 2, limited details on the Open Surface RT website and the Discord server being down I started to think the hardware support just wasnt there. After reading this guide (and alot of trial and error) it seemed like the best or quickest path to success would be trying to load an EXT file system on the internal MMC by shrinking the Windows 8 RT file system (mmcblk3) and creating additional partitions with the free space. 

There is a bunch of items disabled in the tegra114-microsoft-surface-2.dtb which is getting around which likely due to people trying to get the surface2 working. You can download an updated dtb file here which enables the SD card and enables all disabled devices (though nothing else useful seems to work when enabling all)

Things that dont seem to work

At the time of writing and as far as i'm aware there seemed to be issues with USB support on the surface 2 in linux (wifi and SD works fine) which means it cant be used or can be used under certain cirmstances (e.g. USB boot and copy into RAM). It could be just a linux USB driver issue but haven't had time to look into it further. Sound seems to work but havent tested the microphone and the webcam doesnt seem to work.

Another thing worth a mention is the power and battery details don't appear to be working from the desktop. You can run upower to figure out if the device is plugged in or not, but can't seem to get the battery charge details displaying. Also when you shutdown the machine it doesnt seem to power off the device (screen just goes black) which means its still drawing power. Guessing ACPI isnt working as needed.


The following assumes you have a jailbroken Surface 2 tablet with secure boot disabled, golden keys installed and a few USB keys (=>8gb). This method with the dtb file update could likely be modified to deploy to the SD card (mmcblk1p1) rather than internal MMC (mmcblk0p5)
  1. Download the following files from and copy to a USB drive
  2. Download Raspberian - 2022-09-22-raspios-bullseye-armhf
      1. Theres a bunch of work needed for this:
        1. pull out root partition from image using dd and partx
        2. fix /etc/fstab for /dev/mmcblk0p5 to be the / partition
        3. put kernel modules to the /lib/modules/ directory to get the wifi working
  3. Boot into Windows RT and load disk management
  4. Shrink the windows partition to the smallest size (~16GB) and delete the recovery partition
  5. Create two new FAT32 paritions 
    1. Partition 5 - FAT32 - ~6 GB
    2. Partition 6 - FAT 32 - ~5GB
  6. Copy the raspios-bullseye-root-image onto partition 6 (~4GB) and potentially kernel modules (used in later steps)
  7. Create Linux Bootable USB (Raspberian - 2022-09-22-raspios-bullseye-armhf using pi imager then copy boot files from
  8. Ensure the commandline.txt is configured correctly on USB (initrd=initrd.gz, root=/dev/ram0, init=/
  9. Boot into Linux from USB
    1. mkdir /a
    2. mount /dev/mmcblk0p6 /a
    3. dd if=/a/raspios_armhf-2022-09-26/2022-09-22-raspios-bullseye-armhf-root.img of=/dev/mmcblk0p5 bs=1M status=progress
    4. mkdir /b
    5. mount /dev/mmcblk0p5 /b
    6. cp -Rp /a/lib/modules/* /b/lib/modules/
    7. nano /etc/fstab (add /dev/mmcblk0p5 / and hash out other entries)
    8. umount /a
    9. unmount /b
    10. sync
    11. CTRL-D (reboot)
    12. Ensure the commandline.txt is configured correctly on USB (root=/dev/mmcblk0p5) and a similar screen to the following should pop up

Once you've configured the setup you should get the usual desktop like the below

Confirmation the device is indeed a Surface 2

Boot from internal flash instead of USB

There is good background detail on the UEFI Boot Sequence on Open Surface RT. The following steps describe how to get Linux booting from the internal mmc drive without the need to boot from USB.
  • mount EFI partition (linux = mmcblk0p2 | windows disk 0 partition 1)
  • copy boot files to EFI partition (microsoft/boot, test.efi (shim to boot.efi), boot.efi (linux kernel), tegra114-microsoft-surface-2.dtb, commandline.txt, config.txt
  • rename microsoft/boot to microsoft/boot_win
  • copy in microsoft/boot to microsoft/boot which will load the test.efi policy to enable linux to boot
  • can edit boot sequence from EFI partion in linux (mount /dev/mmcblk0p2)
  • can edit boot sequence from EFI partion in windows (/dev/mmcblk0p2) diskpart, list disk, select disk 0, list partition, select partition 1, assign letter=b, exit

These steps allow for you to automatically reboot into your OS of choosing though it doesnt give you a nice menu selector with a time out like say GRUB does. Further consideration is to look into bcdedit to add a second boot menu option for test.efi though need to consider if you reboot the surface and you are prompted to choose a boot option this may not be possible if you are accessing remotely.

Other considerations 

Other options considered which could be of interest to people:
  • consider compiling ARM32 ext driver for windows 8 - seems like cygwin would need to be compiled first, no one has compiled to date based on list of arm windows software
  • other distributions like ubuntu 18 server seems to run on the surface2
  • cross compiling custom kernels
    • #apt install git make gcc g++ device-tree-compiler bc bison flex libssl-dev libncurses-dev python3-ply python3-git libgmp3-dev libmpc-dev gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf

    • #export ARCH=arm

      #export CROSS_COMPILE=/usr/bin/arm-linux-gnueabihf-

    • #make surface-2_defconfig

    • Confirm the following is in .config



    • #make

    • Compiled zImage will be in arch/arm/boot/zImage which can be renamed to boot.efi

  • initramfs attached to zImage (EFI Stub)
    • compile kernel with CONFIG_INITRAMFS_SOURCE="/initram/fs/root/directory"

Sunday, 21 January 2024

The Cosmic Symphony: Where Faith and Science Dance

In the grand orchestra of existence, religion and science often play separate melodies, their harmonies rarely intermingling. Yet, beneath the surface, a deeper rhythm pulsates, one that binds the human spirit to the vast cosmos. It's a rhythm that whispers of prophets and particles, of angels and algorithms, of the divine woven into the very fabric of reality.

In Christianity, the trinity serves as a potent metaphor for this cosmic dance. The Father, embodied in the prophets and societies of men, represents our earthly stage, our collective striving towards a higher purpose. The Son, within each individual, is the spark of divinity, the unique voice whispering truths from within. And the Holy Spirit, encompassing the universe, is the silent symphony itself, the boundless mystery that science endeavors to unravel.

Islam echoes this sentiment with its unwavering emphasis on the will of Allah, a will that permeates the universe, society, and even our own choices. It's a will that grants freedom and responsibility in equal measure, a constant dialogue between the individual and the infinite.

But these melodies, as beautiful as they may be, can be corrupted. Religion, for all its power to elevate, can be twisted by human hands, its teachings weaponized for power and control. This, perhaps, is the seed of atheism, a rebellion against the misuse of faith, a yearning for uncorrupted truth.

Science, too, has its own limitations. While it illuminates the physical world with breathtaking clarity, it often leaves the human spirit yearning for something more. The cold equations and sterile labs can feel devoid of the warmth and wonder that faith provides.

Yet, it's in this very tension, this friction between the spiritual and the scientific, that the true potential of both lies. Science, with its relentless pursuit of understanding, can become a tool to decipher the divine script written in the stars and etched in the human genome. Religion, with its focus on the human heart, can infuse scientific advancements with compassion and purpose, ensuring they serve the betterment of all.

Imagine a world where medical advancements are not just technical marvels but acts of love, guided by the desire to heal not just bodies but souls. Imagine a society where the teachings of prophets are not used to divide but to unite, reminding us of our shared place within the cosmic symphony.

This is not a call for blind faith or unquestioning obedience. It is a call to listen, to resonate with the melodies of both religion and science, to find the harmonies that bind them. For it is in this confluence, in the dance between the finite and the infinite, that we may glimpse the true nature of our existence, the divine spark within each atom, the cosmic echo in every heartbeat.

So let us raise our voices, not in divisive chants, but in a unified hymn, a chorus of faith and reason, of spirit and matter. Let us dance to the rhythm of the universe, a dance where science illuminates the path and religion guides the heart, a dance where the seeker finds solace in the song of the cosmos. For in the end, it is not about choosing between religion or science, but about embracing the symphony they create together, a symphony that whispers the secrets of existence to all who have ears to hear.

Disclaimer: Google's Artifical Intelligence has been used to generate this blog using all the information available to it in its model.

Saturday, 20 January 2024

Hypothesis for Further Investigation: Quantum Entanglement for Revolutionary Memory Storage

Central Idea: Exploiting the unique properties of entangled particles to create a revolutionary memory storage system that transcends the limitations of traditional methods.

Current limitations: Traditional memory technologies like RAM and SSDs face fundamental trade-offs between performance (speed) and redundancy (data persistence). RAM offers high speed but volatile storage, while SSDs provide persistent storage but with slower access times.
Quantum advantage: Quantum entanglement allows for the creation of linked particles whose fates are intertwined, regardless of their physical separation. This phenomenon offers unique possibilities for data storage:
Simultaneous storage: Entangled particles can be used to encode information in both memory and disk simultaneously, enabling instant access to data stored on disk.
Quantum error correction: Entanglement can be leveraged to detect and correct errors in stored data, enhancing data integrity and redundancy.
Fault tolerance: Entangled particles can be distributed across multiple physical locations, making the system resilient to hardware failures and data loss.
Proposed investigation:

Develop protocols for encoding and decoding information in entangled particles. This involves exploring various qubit states and entanglement configurations to optimize data representation and manipulation.
Investigate methods for integrating entangled particle storage with existing memory and disk architectures. This includes designing interfaces and protocols for seamless data transfer and access.
Simulate and model the performance and reliability of the proposed system. This will involve analyzing factors like error rates, data throughput, and scalability to assess the feasibility and potential impact of the technology.
Explore potential applications of this technology beyond traditional data storage. Examples include quantum cryptography, secure communication, and distributed computing.

Expected outcomes:
A proof-of-concept for a novel memory storage system that combines the speed of RAM with the persistence of disk storage.
Enhanced data integrity and redundancy through quantum error correction and fault tolerance.
Foundations for further research and development in quantum computing and information processing.
Challenges and considerations:

Maintaining the coherence of entangled particles in real-world environments is a significant challenge.
Integrating quantum systems with existing infrastructure requires careful design and engineering.
The cost and complexity of implementing quantum memory technology may initially limit its adoption.

Quantum entanglement offers a promising avenue for revolutionizing data storage by combining performance and redundancy in a way that traditional technologies cannot. Further investigation into this area has the potential to significantly impact computing, communication, and other fields.

This hypothesis is just a starting point for further research and development. As the field of quantum computing continues to evolve, we can expect even more innovative approaches to data storage and information processing to emerge.

Disclaimer: Google's Artifical Intelligence has been used to generate this paper using all the information available to it in its model.

Wednesday, 17 January 2024

Hypothesis for Further Investigation: Using the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) for Space Navigation around Black Holes and Stars

Abstract: This hypothesis proposes that the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) can be repurposed as a novel space navigation system by leveraging its unprecedented sensitivity to the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) radiation. This could provide a unique and potentially superior method for navigating around black holes and stars compared to current systems relying on radio or optical signals.


CMB as a Reference Frame: The CMB is a uniform, isotropic radiation field permeating the entire universe. Its precise temperature and polarization fluctuations serve as a highly stable reference point in any location.
WMAP's Superiority: WMAP boasts unmatched sensitivity and angular resolution for CMB measurements, enabling it to detect even the subtlest variations in the radiation field.
Black Hole and Star Signatures: The gravitational influence of black holes and stars distorts the CMB locally, creating unique signatures in its temperature and polarization patterns. WMAP, with its exceptional precision, could detect these signatures and use them to determine the relative position and mass of these celestial objects.
Navigation Potential:

Black Hole Detection and Avoidance: By measuring CMB distortions, WMAP could identify the presence of black holes and map their event horizons, allowing spacecraft to safely navigate around them.
Star System Mapping: WMAP could create a detailed map of the CMB distortions surrounding stars, revealing their mass distribution, planetary systems, and potentially habitable zones. This information could be crucial for interstellar travel and the search for exoplanets.
Interstellar Positional Awareness: By comparing local CMB measurements with a pre-recorded map of the CMB, WMAP could determine the relative position and orientation of a spacecraft within the universe, independent of traditional radio or optical navigation methods.
Challenges and Further Investigation:

Signal Processing: Developing algorithms to accurately extract black hole and star signatures from the CMB data requires advanced signal processing techniques.
Calibration and Error Correction: Precise calibration of WMAP and accounting for instrumental errors are crucial for reliable navigation.
Testing and Validation: Extensive simulations and ground-based experiments are needed to validate the feasibility of using WMAP for space navigation before in-flight testing.
Potential Benefits:

Enhanced Safety: Accurately detecting and avoiding black holes would significantly improve the safety of interstellar travel.
Improved Efficiency: Efficient navigation around stars and within star systems could drastically reduce travel times.
Independent Navigation: Reliance on CMB, a ubiquitous and unchanging reference frame, eliminates dependence on external communication infrastructure.
Conclusion: This hypothesis proposes a novel application for WMAP as a space navigation system around black holes and stars. While challenges remain, the potential benefits for interstellar travel and exploration are immense. Further research and development are warranted to test and refine this concept, potentially revolutionizing our approach to navigating the vast expanse of space.

Note: This hypothesis is speculative and requires further research and development before it can be implemented as a practical navigation system. However, it presents a promising and theoretically sound direction for future space exploration technology.

Disclaimer: Google's Artifical Intelligence has been used to generate this paper using all the information available to it in its model.

Hypothesis for Further Investigation: Mass-Dependent Speed of Light and its Implications

Abstract: This hypothesis proposes that the speed of light, traditionally considered a constant (c), may be subtly influenced by the mass, velocity, and gravitational environment of a photon. This contradicts the current Special Theory of Relativity, which posits c as an absolute limit independent of any physical properties. We present preliminary theoretical equations incorporating these dependencies and outline potential experimental avenues to test their validity.


Mass-Dependent Speed:
c²(m) = c₀² + k * m (1)


c²(m) is the photon's squared speed as a function of its mass (m)
c₀² is the baseline squared speed of light (currently considered a constant)
k is a proportionality constant to be determined experimentally
Velocity-Dependent Speed:
c²(v) = c²(m) * (1 + ϵ * v/c₀) (2)


c²(v) is the photon's squared speed as a function of its velocity (v)
ϵ is a dimensionless parameter accounting for velocity-induced variations
Gravitational Influence:
c²(g) = c²(v) * (1 - φ * G * M / r²) (3)


c²(g) is the photon's squared speed in a gravitational field
φ is a dimensionless parameter representing the strength of the gravitational interaction
G is the gravitational constant
M is the mass of the gravitational source
r is the distance from the source

These equations introduce modifications to the traditional constant speed of light based on:

Mass dependence: Massive photons could experience a slight decrease in speed compared to massless ones, potentially explaining discrepancies in cosmological observations.
Velocity dependence: As photons approach the speed of light, their interaction with the fabric of spacetime might cause minute variations in their velocity.
Gravitational influence: Strong gravitational fields could warp the path of photons, effectively changing their apparent speed relative to an observer outside the field.
Further Investigation:

To validate this hypothesis, several avenues of research are proposed:

High-precision astronomical measurements: 
Comparing the arrival times of photons from different celestial sources with varying masses and velocities could reveal subtle deviations from the expected constant speed.
Laboratory experiments: Studying the behavior of light in intense gravitational fields or under extreme accelerations might provide controlled environments to detect mass or velocity-related effects.
Theoretical refinement: Expanding these equations to incorporate additional factors like photon spin or the nature of dark matter could lead to a more comprehensive understanding of light's relationship with mass, velocity, and gravity.

Potential Implications:
If validated, this hypothesis could have significant ramifications for our understanding of physics and cosmology. It would necessitate revisions to the Special Theory of Relativity, potentially opening doors to new explanations for phenomena like dark matter and dark energy. Furthermore, it could influence fields like astrophysics, gravitation, and even quantum mechanics, leading to unforeseen advancements in our understanding of the universe.

Conclusion: This hypothesis proposes a framework for investigating a potentially variable speed of light based on mass, velocity, and gravity. While preliminary, it presents a compelling direction for further theoretical and experimental research with the potential to revolutionize our understanding of the fundamental laws of physics.

Disclaimer: This hypothesis is speculative and currently lacks experimental confirmation. It is intended to stimulate further research and discussion in the field. Moreover, Google's Artifical Intelligence has been used to generate this paper using all the information available to it in its model.

Hypothesis: Sex Determination by Early Hormonal Priming in Mammals

Introduction: The primary determinant of mammalian sex has long been considered the chromosomal constitution (XX for females, XY for males). However, recent research suggests a more nuanced scenario where pre-implantation hormones may play a critical role in early sexual differentiation, even before sex chromosomes exert their effects. This hypothesis proposes that the variable values of testosterone and estrogen in the fetal-embryonic environment at the time of conception influence the probability of male or female development in mammals.

Hypothesized Mechanism:

Hormonal Milieu at Conception: During fertilization and early embryo development, both maternal and paternal hormones present in the fallopian tubes and uterine fluid create a dynamic hormonal milieu. Maternal estradiol and progesterone levels, and paternal testosterone transported with sperm, fluctuate with menstrual cycles and environmental factors.

Differential Sensitivity to Hormones: The developing embryo possesses tissues sensitive to both testosterone and estrogen, even before sexual differentiation begins. These tissues, like the genital ridges and hypothalamus, express steroid hormone receptors with varying affinities and response pathways.

Testosterone-Driven Masculinization: High levels of testosterone at conception, either from paternal contributions or maternal pre-ovulatory surges, could enhance the activity of androgen receptors in the embryo. This could trigger masculinizing pathways, promoting male genital development and suppressing female programming.

Estrogen-Mediated Feminization: Elevated estrogen levels, potentially originating from maternal sources, could activate estrogen receptors, promoting female differentiation. This could involve suppression of male programming while enhancing growth of female reproductive structures.

Hormonal Thresholds and Probabilities: The sex of the offspring likely results from a complex interplay between testosterone and estrogen levels, their interplay with other hormones, and the timing of exposure. There may be threshold levels for each hormone, where exceeding them increases the probability of one sex over the other.

Predictions and Testable Implications:

If this hypothesis is correct, then the sex ratio of offspring could be skewed by fluctuations in maternal and paternal hormone levels around conception. Periods of high maternal estrogen or low testosterone prior to ovulation might favor female births, while the opposite may favor male births.

Paternal factors like stress or diet, known to influence testosterone levels, might indirectly influence offspring sex ratio.

Maternal hormonal profiles, determined through blood tests or indirect measures like digit ratio, could potentially predict the sex of the offspring with improved accuracy, beyond simple chromosomal analysis.

Animal models with controlled hormonal manipulations during fertilization and early embryonic development could provide direct evidence for the hypothesized mechanisms.

Further Investigations:

Elucidating the specific molecular pathways by which testosterone and estrogen influence early sexual differentiation in mammals.

Examining the role of other hormones and environmental factors in modulating the effects of testosterone and estrogen.

Developing biomarkers based on maternal or paternal hormonal profiles to predict offspring sex with greater precision.


This hypothesis proposes a novel perspective on mammalian sex determination, suggesting that early hormonal exposure plays a crucial role in tipping the balance towards male or female development. Investigating this hypothesis has the potential to revolutionize our understanding of sex determination and its potential links to various biological and health outcomes.

Disclaimer: This hypothesis is purely theoretical and requires extensive research and experimentation for validation. While it presents a framework for further investigation, it is important to acknowledge the complex and multifaceted nature of sex determination in mammals. Moreover, Google's Artifical Intelligence has been used to generate this paper using all the information available to it in its model.

Tuesday, 16 January 2024

Hypothesis for Further Investigation: The Implications of a Modified Planck's Equation with Inclusion of c²



The iconic Planck's equation (E = hv) elegantly relates the energy (E) of a photon to its frequency (v) through Planck's constant (h). While this equation has served as a cornerstone of modern physics, introducing the speed of light squared (c²) as a multiplicative factor (E = hvc²) presents a potentially groundbreaking avenue for further investigation. This hypothesis delves into the physical consequences and theoretical implications of such a modified Planck's equation, paving the way for intriguing possibilities in diverse fields like quantum gravity, dark matter, and black hole physics.

1. Motivation:

Including c² in Planck's equation raises intriguing questions about the nature of light and its interaction with spacetime. This modification resonates with existing ideas in special and general relativity, where c² represents the conversion factor between mass and energy and the curvature of spacetime due to gravitation, respectively.

2. Potential Consequences:

  • Modified Photon Energy and Mass: The proposed equation suggests a dependence of photon energy on c², implying a potential non-zero rest mass for photons. While current evidence contradicts this, it warrants further theoretical exploration in the context of quantum gravity, where spacetime fluctuations might endow photons with virtual mass.

  • Spacetime Coupling and Dark Matter: The inclusion of c² could indicate a deeper coupling between light and spacetime. This interaction might manifest in the form of exotic particles or fields that contribute to the observed effects of dark matter. This hypothesis could lead to novel approaches for dark matter detection and understanding.

  • Black Hole Thermodynamics and Information Paradox: Black hole thermodynamics posits an upper limit on the entropy a black hole can radiate. Incorporating c² in Planck's equation might alter this limit and offer insights into the black hole information paradox, potentially suggesting solutions for preserving information during Hawking radiation.

3. Experimental and Theoretical Verification:

  • High-energy photon experiments: Testing the hypothesis would require high-precision measurements of photon energy and momentum at extreme energy scales. Deviations from standard Planck's equation could provide evidence for the modified form.

  • Development of a unified quantum gravity theory: Integrating the modified Planck's equation into a consistent quantum gravity framework would be crucial for validating the hypothesis and its implications. This would involve reconciling quantum mechanics with general relativity, a long-standing challenge in theoretical physics.

4. Conclusion:

Introducing c² into Planck's equation offers a thought-provoking hypothesis with potentially transformative implications across various fields of physics. While experimental and theoretical verification remain significant challenges, the pursuit of this hypothesis could lead to groundbreaking discoveries about the nature of light, spacetime, and the universe's deepest mysteries.

Note: This hypothesis is highly speculative and requires further rigorous investigation. It should not be interpreted as a definitive statement on the validity of including c² in Planck's equation. The aim is to encourage further research and exploration of this intriguing possibility.

Disclaimer: Google's Artifical Intelligence has been used to generate this paper using all the information available to it in its model.